Types of Demons and What They Do To Humanity

statue of a demon

Since the age of 12, I have experienced demonic oppression in my family, and I have witnessed many spiritual possessions in my own mother and in other people, and I must tell you that there are many types of demonic forces organized as an army, and what they do to humanity is not pretty.

As Christians, we need to understand all these things because it's our duty to fight against the enemy. Satan is here to attack and destroy your family. He's here to destroy your territory and your nation, and sooner or later, you will feel the consequences of his attacks. If you are a Christian and are not fighting against the devil, you are simply not doing your job, and as a result, precious souls are being lost every single day. 


Everywhere we look, there’s some form of organization. Your body, in order to function, has to be well organized, with a great communication system and a well-established pattern. Without organization, nothing would be able to function properly, and this is true for any group that's trying to accomplish a purpose.


Satan and his demonic army, aside from being strong and evil, are very well organized, and this makes them extremely dangerous. When you rebuke a demon, there are many others lurking around waiting to enter and do the job that was assigned to them; in other words, they work as a team in order to accomplish their goals.

Satan is the head of all demonic entities, and under him, there are demon commanders who have the job to organize those demons tormenting us today. There's a commander assigned to each nation of the world, and under these commanders, there are sub-commanders assigned to each president and King, their main job is to control them for the international affairs, such as wars and territorial control.

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Under each sub-commander, there are legions of demons assigned to each population of the world. Their main job is to control the masses, and they are the ones that influence the trends of each individual nation.

There are demons also assign to each city of the world, and this is the reason why when we visit another city, we feel a different spirit. The spirit in New York City is not the same as the one in Los Angeles, California; London and Las Vegas, Nevada have two different spirits, and so on.

Inside the cities, each neighborhood also has a demon spirit controlling it. The spirit in Harlem, New York, is not the same as Belgravia in London. Every neighborhood is a territory that has been assigned to a demon spirit. They control their neighborhood, and the behavior of each neighborhood depends on the nature of its demon (The demon assigned to it.)

Inside each neighborhood, there are many households, and each household has a demon spirit assigned to it, and the head of each household is being watched by that demon 24/7. The aim is to control each territory in an organized and effective way, and this demonic organization is what the church is supposed to be dealing with.

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There's a demon assigned to each evil task. For example, there are demons assigned to illness; others, to depression, suicide, divisions, wars, death, and the list goes on and on. The way to recognize a demon is by its fruit or consequence. They all have names and personalities just like us, but you can call them by their nature. For example, to the demon in charge of death, you can call him: Spirit of Death; to the demon in charge of illness, you can call him: Spirit of Disease, and so on.

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The church today is viewing Satan as a creature that was taken out of a fairy tale. Many Christians don’t even know what spiritual warfare is all about, while the devil and his entire demonic structures are well prepared and highly organized.

We don’t stand a chance! We are dead in the water, and Satan is not even worried about us. If you don’t believe me, just open up the newspaper tomorrow morning and read the news; where is our fight? I don’t see it, do you? I see the fight that Satan is putting up, but we’re not even in the picture.

September 11 ground zero


Today is Wednesday, January 6, 2016, North Korea has announced that it had successfully tested a hydrogen bomb. This bomb is thousands of times stronger than the atomic bomb, and if dropped on New York City today, it has the potential to kill more than 7 million people in a matter of seconds. It probably wouldn’t be easy to get it there, but putting Hiroshima and September 11 together, it's quite possible.

Some of you may think that this is hard to believe, but if someone would’ve told you back on September 10, 2001, that the World Trade Center in New York City was going to collapse as a result of a terrorist attack, and that thousands of New Yorkers were going to have a horrible death, you would’ve been skeptical as well, and I don’t blame you. I was there in New York that day.

I lived in Freeport, Long Island at the time, which is about 45 minutes away from New York City. That day, I woke up around 8:30 AM; I was working for Garden City Nissan as a salesperson, and I had to work the late shift that day, I turned the TV on, so I could have my morning coffee while watching the news, and I just couldn’t believe my eyes. Even after the towers fell, I still couldn't believe what I was witnessing.

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I got dressed and quickly drove to the dealership where I worked at. The parkway, which led into the city, was a big mess. I got to work that day, and I still remember it as if it was yesterday. It was my boss’s birthday, and they already had a birthday cake on the table

But they were not celebrating at all. They were all glued to the TV screen, and the look on everybody’s face was of disbelief. The girls were crying and everybody’s eyes were watery, including mine. We just couldn't believe what was happening. It was impossible.

Sometimes we don’t believe that these things can happen, but they do, and that’s what the church needs to be aware of. I wonder how many souls went to hell that horrible day of September 11, as many of those who died were probably not saved.

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Today we face new challenges. There is a BIG demon over the head of Kim Jong-un. This demon is one of the biggest and strongest that the enemy has. He is a warrior and he plays no games. He is a great commander and he’s taking many souls to hell. He wants blood and he's always thirsty for more, especially the blood of North Americans.

He's a dangerous territorial warrior, and the church today needs to wake up and fight to the death. We need to WAKE UP! We need to grab our weapons and bring the fight to the devil. We need to take down the strong man in North Korea before it’s too late and we find ourselves as many people did back on September 11. Glued to a TV screen and full of disbelief.

There are different types of demons, and they all have different personalities, just like we do; some are violent; some are deceitful, and they all have an evil nature. If you want to understand their organization, you’ll have to view them as an army, with high commanders, lieutenants, soldiers, etc. They operate in unity, and their main goal is to destroy you… This is what they do, and they don't fool around, but the question remains: What are you going to do about it?


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Author Willie Estrada was born in 1970 and currently serves as a missionary in Central America. He is also the founder of Voices in the Wilderness Online Ministries. For many years, Willie Estrada studied human behavior through professional training and Biblical research, and today he’s bringing all that knowledge so you can grow spiritually and mentally. He has also written many books and preached the Gospel as an independent missionary throughout the States of Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina. Today, he continues to write and is currently working on his next book.

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