What Does The Bible Say About Women Preachers?

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Woman with her face covered

Are you wondering what the Bible says about women preaching? Well, you’re probably asking this question because either you are a woman who feels the desire to preach, or you are a man or woman who's not clear about this matter. This is not an easy question, and probably there will never be an easy answer, or maybe there is? What do you think?

Years ago, when I was in my early 20s and an inexperienced Christian, I began to wonder about this matter. I did a little research on it, and my conclusion was that women were “not allowed” to preach. I'm a Latin man, and I was brought up with the notion that women should always be in a secondary level, and coming from a “Macho men” background, I was satisfied with that conclusion.
At the time, after doing some research, I found out that the Bible teaches us that women cannot preach from a pulpit, but now, don’t get angry at me just yet. I’m just telling you what the Bible says about this issue. Let’s take a look at it says.


I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.
1 Timothy 2:12

Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control.

The women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says.


There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

He (Apollos) began to speak boldly in the synagogue, but when Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him and explained to him the way of God more accurately.

The Lord gives the word; the women who announce the news are a great host.


The Lord has given me a beautiful daughter and a granddaughter, and after many years, I have come to the conclusion that many of our beliefs are based on our cultural background or by indoctrination, and that we have to let go of all these things that only do more harm than good. Especially when it comes to preaching the Gospel of the Lord.

In the bible verses that we’ve just read, the apostle Paul says that "HE" doesn’t permit women to preach. He never said that this was a command from God. We have to keep in mind that in those days, people were living in a very strict society (Towards women.) This mentality has predominated the world for many years, and even till today, there are many societies that under estimate women.


We saw that taking place, even in front of Jesus, but the Lord never took this approach towards women; in fact, He accepted women as being a very important part of the body (of Christ.) Never did He say that women were not allowed to preach the Gospel, and if He did, somebody please remind me, because I don’t see it.

Now, am I just talking based on my own experience, or have I taken into consideration what the Bible says about this matter? Well, let me tell you that I understand what the Bible says; nevertheless, the Bible is there to be interpreted by the reader, and many times when we read it, we let our cultural background, or the teachings that we’ve received get in the way, and we're just NOT LISTENING to the Holy Spirit.

I remember that, when I was younger, every time I heard a woman preaching, I didn’t want to listen to what she had to say, until one day the Lord began to deal with me and made me see that His Word is a gift that has been given to ALL of us and that we are so penetrated into our earthly thoughts that we cannot see in the Spirit. Now, I want to ask you to put everything aside for a moment and let’s listen to the voice of the Spirit. We’re going to do a thought experiment, so just follow what I'm saying for a minute.

Let’s create a fictional character in our heads, her name is Anna. She got saved at the age of 16, and she began to serve the Lord ever since. One day, Anna felt the calling to preach the Gospel, and she became a missionary and took off to preach all over the world with the help of her Pastor and support from everyone in her church.

Throughout her ministry, seventy five thousand people got saved, and through those people that got saved, another one hundred and fifty thousand got saved. Anna died at the age of 86, but up until this day, there are thousands of people getting saved because of her ministry. Sounds great doesn’t it? Now, let’s look at Anna in another story.

Anna got saved at the age of 16, and she began to serve the Lord ever since. One day, Anna felt the calling to preach the Gospel, BUT her Pastor didn't support her. Her church didn't allow women to preach, so she sat on a church bench for 70 years. She only sang in the church choir for 15 years, and just a handful of people got saved as a result of her spreading the Gospel at her job.

The 225 thousand plus people that didn’t get saved, because Anna didn’t follow the calling, died and went to hell, and you and your family were amongst those 225 plus thousand people. Anna died at the age of 85, a broken hearted woman, because she never accomplished her mission and her desire to become a missionary.

Woman writing the frase: Just Words

I know what some of you might be saying: “Men are the ones that are supposed to give the seed,” or “Sin entered through Eve, so women cannot preach the Gospel.” For whatever reason, I want to ask you now to put the above stories on a balance and let me ask you the following question: What weighs more, our indoctrination, or the salvation of 250K souls? You tell me.


Rather than worrying about women preaching the Gospel, we should be working hard, so everybody can have the opportunity to spread the Word of the Lord. Unfortunately, most of us don’t attend the calling, and we leave it to others to do the work because we think that, in order to preach the Gospel, we must do it from a pulpit, and this is totally understandable.

Nobody can blame you for not wanting to stand in front of hundreds of people and deliver a message. The first time I tried, it was a big disaster. It took time for me to be comfortable speaking from a pulpit, so I completely understand that not everybody is able to do this. The problem comes from the misconception that the Gospel can only be preached from a pulpit, and to make matters worse, we have made a career out of the Gospel, letting only those who had studied in some kind of a Bible institute preach. (Whether they have the Spirit of God or not.)

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I would like to clarify that I completely understand that there has to be some type of rules and regulations for those that are called to preach the Gospel from a pulpit. There are many people that are just full of emotions, and some of them are even fake inside, to the point that they have even deceived their own hearts. Some might even have good intentions, but they are leading the people through a different path. In my 27 years of serving the Lord, I've seen so many things that don't follow our spiritual calling.

We need to be aware and be diligent because there are many deceivers out there. The Lord warned us about this in Matthew 27:15-20. Many of them have even deceived their own hearts and make the people who listen to them go through the wrong path. Many times, you will hear preachers just copying others and trying to imitate them, and this is not the Spirit of the Lord.


The real message of the Lord is totally different. The real message of salvation does not focus on the things of this Earth because it's not from this Earth. The voice of the Lord never tells you to worry about the future, for he owns the future, and it,s not for you to worry about it. Rather, you must let him take control, and he will take you places that you could not even imagine. The real message of God penetrates the deepest corners of your soul, and it cuts you like a two-edged sword. The Word of God, when you hear it, makes you tremble inside.

Calloused feet

“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!”
Isaiah 52:7

Don’t you see it? Don’t you understand? It doesn’t matter who you are! YOU HAVE TO PREACH the Gospel of Salvation. As it is written: “The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few.” Every day that you don’t preach the Gospel, many go to eternal condemnation. Those precious souls are more valuable than our belief, but the world dies while the Church stays behind arguing on who should go to the field and do the work of the Lord. Whether you are a woman or a man, you were given the gift of salvation, and you have to give it back to those who need you today.

As you have learned, the same way, you will teach to those who need salvation in this Earth. You don’t need a license or be a man to preach the Gospel of the Lord. You need a humble heart, willing to let go of the things of this world, and willing to show that message in your own life. Today we have many tools that we can use to preach the Gospel of salvation. You can build a web page or a blog. You can write a Book, and dedicate your time to sow the seed of salvation. You can create a Facebook page or a Twitter, but it doesn't end there.

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You can write a message and design basic flyers with it, and go to any crowded place and distribute them. There are many things that can be done to preach the Gospel, but everything will begin when you let go of yourself and stop thinking that because you’re a woman you cannot preach to others. 

“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations.” That was the command that was given to the apostles, and it's the command that is given to us today. There's a lot of pain in this world; there's a lot of suffering and human calamity; the devil is putting a strong fight, and millions upon millions are losing their souls because we (The Church) are too busy thinking only about ourselves.

What many of us give to the World are just leftovers. First we take care of ourselves, and then, we go and spread the Word of God. I, myself, have been guilty of that. We first worry about everything else, and then, if we have time, we worry about preaching the Gospel. Meanwhile, the wave of false doctrines is now crushing the world, and the world is getting full of this garbage messages, and soon all this is going to have its consequences.

Forgive me if I'm bold by saying this, but it's the truth. The real church of God needs to wake up today and start fighting against this demonic lie of the devil. Whether you're a men or women, before you even think about preaching the Gospel of salvation, you must consider cleaning the house first, and our house (The Church) needs to be cleaned up. 

You don't first get dressed, and take a shower afterward. It doesn't work that way, does it? It's time to get off our comfortable sofa and begin to spread the truth and the message of salvation. People are being deceived by the millions and going after these false prophets. It was written that this was supposed to happen, and this was prophesied long ago, but the Lord himself told us how to recognize them:

“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.”

As for us, the Church of the Lord, we must preach the message of repentance, and salvation. For many years I chose to do nothing about it. I always thought that it was not my job to get involved. I saw it on TV; I heard it on the radio; I read it on the internet, and I did absolutely nothing about it. I thought that it was the evangelists' responsibility to speak the truth.

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I didn’t do anything about it because I felt so small, but then the Lord opened my eyes and made me realize that the men that he called to do his work in the past were just regular men that understood the meaning of surrendering all to him. People who understood the truth; normal people like you and me.

The Gospel of our Lord can be preached by everybody: Men, women, and even children, and if you’re still not clear about this matter, pray to the Lord and He will open your understanding. The Lord needs humble people to spread the Gospel of salvation, and that’s all the Lord needs to fight the final battle. People like you and me, men OR WOMEN… but now the question is, what are you going to do about it? Are you willing to fight the good fight? The answer is up to you, and you have only two choices: let things slide, or take a stand and put up a fight.


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Author Willie Estrada was born in 1970 and currently serves as a missionary in Central America. He is also the founder of Voices in the Wilderness Online Ministries. For many years, Willie Estrada studied human behavior through professional training and Biblical research, and today he’s bringing all that knowledge so you can grow spiritually and mentally. He has also written many books and preached the Gospel as an independent missionary throughout the States of Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina. Today, he continues to write and is currently working on his next book.

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